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A Walk To Remember

Quotes of A Walk To Remember

Out of nowhere, tiba tiba buka Facebook terus iseng liatin kilas balik jaman dulu di bulan april dan aku nemuin sebuah notes tentang quotes of A Walk To Remember :’) Kyaaaaa.. berasa lagi flashback jaman dulu, banyak banget kenangan dan kisah.. baik yang manis ataupun yang pahit, kalau ga salah notesnya itu aku buat di bulan april tahun 2012. It’s been 6 years tho! hahaha udah lama ya, tapi perubahannya belum terasa banyak.

Back to the topic, quotes of a walk to remember. ada yang tau ga sih A Walk To Remember itu apa? Jadi a walk to remember itu film terfavorit aku yang bikin aku baper parah sampai nangis2 dan kalau ingetnya itu aku udah ngerasa sedih (Lebay? Emang!) Hahaha .. dari film ini aku jadi kenal mandy moore, yang luar biasa cantik banget, manisnya ga ketulungan, terus suaranya? ga usah ditanya!!!!!!! setelah ngefans sama britney spears, mandy moore ada di urutan kedua. Semua lagu lagunya wajib banget buat dinyanyiin pas karokean, lagunya itu cocok buat bikin mood up n down ……

Belum nonton? coba deh googling .. trus ditonton filmnya 😉 It’s totally recommended!
aku ga bakal kasih spoilernya, biar pada penasaran nonton.

Karena judulnya quotes of a walk to remember, so here the list of the quotes that I thought it’s kind of sweet and most of them in conversation type 😉


  • Jamie: You know what I figured out today?
    Landon: What?
    Jamie: Maybe God has a bigger plan for me than I had for myself. Like this journey never ends. Like you were sent to me because I’m sick. To help me through all this. You’re my angel
  • Landon: Are you scared?
    Jamie: To death…[Landon looks upset]
    Jamie: Lighten up
    Landon: It’s not funny
    Jamie: I’m scared of not being with you
    Landon: Oh baby, that will never happen… I’ll be here
  • Reverend Sullivan: “Do not be deceived. God is not mocked.” Hmmm.
    [Landon walks into the Church as Reverend Sullivan is practicing his sermon]
    Reverend Sullivan: “Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap…” Can I help you?
    Landon: Uh, yes, sir. I’d like to ask your daughter to dinner on Saturday night
    Reverend Sullivan: That’s not possible
    Landon: Well… with all due respect, sir, I ask you to reconsider
    Reverend Sullivan: With all due respect, Mr. Carter, I made my decision. You can, uh, exit the way you entered
    Landon: Listen, I’m sorry I haven’t treated Jamie the way I should’ve. She deserves more than that. I’m just asking you for the same thing that you teach us every day in Church. And that’s faith
    Reverend Sullivan: [Exhales deeply]
  • Jamie: I have something for you
    Landon: You do?
    Jamie: Uh hmm… Don’t worry it’s not a bible. It was my mother’s. It’s got quotes from all her favorite books, and quotes by famous people. Her thoughts. Come on
    Landon: Okay, let’s check it out. Okay…”What is a friend? It’s a single soul dwelling in two bodies.” -Aristotle
    Jamie: Uh uh, right here
    Landon: Okay. “Find out who you are, and do it on purpose.” That’s Dolly Parton
    Jamie: I always thought she was smart
  • Landon: [voiceover] Jamie saved my life. She taught me everything. About life, hope and the long journey ahead. I’ll always miss her. But our love is like the wind. I can’t see it, but I can feel it.
  • Landon: I’m sorry she never got her miracle
    Reverend Sullivan: She did. It was you


Ya banyak sih sebenernya (Nonton filmnya gih! ahaha), soudntrack2nya juga wajib banget buat dikepoin karena itu enak banget, easy listening 😉


  • achi hartoyo
    April 17, 2018

    Mandy Moore, ingat lagunya I wanna be with you :))

  • Keven
    April 17, 2018

    Suka banget sama novelnya. Romantis. Bikin saya jadi merasa Malam Natal terasa lebih spesial. Soundtracknya juga saya suka, terutama lagu Only Hope, Cry, dan It’s Gonna Be Love yang dinyanyikan oleh Mandy Moore. Bagusan novelnya daripada filmnya.

  • Tati Suherman
    April 18, 2018

    Sebenarnya memang lagu-lagu tahun 80-90 sangat menyentuh hati tetap jadi lagu yang enak didengar sampai sekarang

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